
There are stories behind many of the images, some short, some long. Tap the images to discover what story you’re about to uncover. You never know what WorkLife journey you’ll be taken on, and what you’ll experience along the way. That’s all part of the magic of stories.  

My WorkLife In Photos

As a writer, my work primarily focuses on capturing people’s powerful WorkLife stories through the power of words. This is represented in my first book: Your WorkLife Your Way, The School Of WorkLife Book Series, the stories I share on my blog, and the learning resources and programmes I create. 

I serialised stories from The School Of WorkLife Book Series. Telling a Story Of The Week, every day Monday through Sunday in under 280 characters each day.  My primary platform for creating these short daily stories was Instagram, which brings me to what this page is about – Instagram allows me to create a more visual representation of my writing –  my writing is my WorkLife, and so this page represents my WorkLife in Photos.

As well as the stories I share here, from time to time, I’ll also share other areas from my WorkLife, to include a photo project I began last year: Capturing The Beauty In Everyday WorkLife, the Workplace Theatre projects I’ve collaborated on with performing artists, integrating learning and the arts, Duisa, our family dog – or Dash as we more fondly know her, who has become my muse and is a true source of inspiration, will make an occasional appearance, and I’ll share other interests too.

Because I believe all areas of our life in and out of work are so intrinsically linked, they cannot be separated, nor should they be. I believe WorkLife needs to be considered holistically, and that’s what I hope this page will represent – A full picture of My WorkLife. 

My WorkLife In Photos

Tap the link below to go to my Instagram page: